Saint Martin's College and Seminary

We are interdenominational institution of higher education which serves the educational needs of Ministers and Christian Professionals across many denominations.


If the Black church is to continue to be a source whereby Black leadership is developed, programs of instruction in Bible interpretation, pastoral counseling, and family life must be provided to the local pastor to upgrade his/her skills in meeting today’s crises. It has been the compassion of religion that has advanced civil rights, human rights, and social justice.

Therefore it is important that religion does not relinquish it’s influence in determining the direction of this society. Local pastors must upgrade their skills and prestige in order to guard against the community’s downgrading of Christianity, because the institutional church has failed to be on the cutting edge of community issues and problems.

– The Reverend Dr. Roger Mack Pumphrey

It is well documented that the American religious-education institutions have failed to educate people of color in significant numbers. Therefore we can no longer rely on, or wait for, the traditional white Bible colleges and seminaries to educate and train African-American pastors and Christian workers for our communities


About us

St. Martin’s College and Seminary employs the use of correspondence based, competence based distance learning methodologies to provide adult learners throughout the Christian Community with opportunities to earn Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees in academic programs and to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve success, awareness and self actualization.

Your previous education and work experience has value in the St. Martin’s degree programs. As a part of the enrollment process you can send us documentation of your previous educational experience (e.g. college transcripts, continuing education training and other types of learning that relates to your degree objectives. You may also provide your work history which evaluated for awards of credits.

The power of the mind and focus of your degree program is limitless! What you have learned, you have earned!!


“Grant that I am human, that I hurt, that I can cry. Not that I not ask alms in sham gone hollow, nor cringe outside the loud and sumptuous gate, admit me to our mutual estate.” Gwendolyn Brooks

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PhD Programs

Business Degrees

Pastors, Stay in your pulpit and earn your seminary degree

Bachelor of Biblical Studies…..(B.B.S.)
Bachelor of Business Studies…(B.B.S.)
Masters of Business Studies….(M.B.S.)
Master of Divinity………………(M. Div.)
Doctor of Ministry………………(D.Min.)

License and Ordination Available*Fundamental Christian *Interdenominational *Bible Believing

For information call: 414-247-1451 (phone or fax)

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Earn your Bachelor's or Master's in Criminal Justice officerWhether you are new to the field of criminal justice or are currently employed as a professional in the field, you can differentiate yourself with a degree in criminal justice. Upgrading your knowledge and skills is key to advancement in the field of criminal justice. This degree will provide you with the opportunity to gain skills necessary to excel in the field. Saint Martin's College and Seminary P.O. Box 170106 Milwaukee, WI 53217 Phone or Fax: 414.247.1451 Email -

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