
Saint Martin's College and Seminary

Ethics and Confidentiality

Chapter 5 test

Ethics and Confidentiality – Chapter 5
1) Ethical Principles define the *
2) Professional conduct *
3) The two most used forms of consent are *
4) According to Lowenberg and Dolgoff, the highest ethical principle is *
5) A basis for mal practice of a supervisor is *
6) The counseling relationship is *
7) HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) *
8) “Informed consent” means *
9) Confidentiality applies *
10) Confidential information to other staff members *
11) The term “evidentiary privilege” *
12) Which of the following is permitted ethical practice *
13) Misleading a client into thinking you have credentials that you do not have is an example of an ethical standard related to *
14) In promoting your treatment program, it is acceptable to *
15) Services can be denied a client because of *